x264.me is a x264-only tracker. Movies range from 1.4GiB DVDRips to 13GiB 1080P rips. Allowing only a smaller amount of users the tracker has quite some amount of exclusivity associated with it. Demand for a membership has risen lately and people offering invites is not seen as often as for other high def. trackers. Still, there are quite a few threads in power user forums at different trackers offering invites for free to good and trusted users.
The people have spoken and the poll shows that x264 will stay at its level which has been and still is at level 4.
Monday, November 29, 2010
BCG again
According to BCG this was done as a security measure. But the invite referral system was flawed.
Referrals wasn't easy to get a hold on. And the person you invited had to have your secret word in order to sign up and the sign up process had to be done in a couple of hours after the mail had been sent out. What happened was that people didn't bother to sign up. And people started using other game trackers instead of BCG.
We all know what happened after that. No new members meaning no new donors. BCG has now had open sign ups for the last couple of months looking for new members.
BitGamer on the other hand has closed invites in preparation for a new invite system. Hopefully they won't make the same mistake as BCG.
It definitely feels like most of the new accounts on BCG are dupes because of the vast amount of accounts found at different trading sites. And with no stop in sight when it comes to open sign ups the former king of gaming now finds itself at level 2.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
iTN R.I.P.
iTN v.2.0 is terminated after a couple of months downtime. From the front page:
Prawie dwa lata. Męk, pisania kodu, płacenia, grafikowania. Dwa lata dobrej zabawy, myślenia, miliony literek na komunikatorach, tysiące słów na konwersjach na Skype. Z dniem 15 Listopada 2010 ja (Kuba1530) oraz załoga z iTN 2.0 postanowiliśmy, że projekt zostaje finalnie zakończony. Nie wrócimy. Nigdy. Projekt był warty uwagi, ale niestety nasze nieudolne zarządzanie zrobiło swoje. Nie będę się rozpisywał. Chciałbym teraz podziękować: Krzyś - Ty ze mną współpracowałeś głównie. Było miło, ale się różniliśmy. Neo (Świętej Pamięci) za doskonały pierwszy layout. Barti17144 za inne layouty. Ast89 - za pomoc w cięciu i układaniu. Kostelihno - za inne layouty. Starym załogantom oraz tym, którzy byli w wersji 2 - także dziękuję. Osobom, które czasem pomogły w kodzie, również dziękuję. Osoby te będą wiedzieć, że o nie chodzi. Nie będę się rozpisywał. Dziękujemy za poświęcony czas.
I don't know anyone that understand polish but it says something about "terminated", "thanks to whoever" and other stuff.
Spare us the v3.0 resurrection of iTN. Please!

I don't know anyone that understand polish but it says something about "terminated", "thanks to whoever" and other stuff.
Spare us the v3.0 resurrection of iTN. Please!
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