First, uk-2 is in a very sad state. No users, no leeching, no seeding. One big problem (as the admins and sysops can't seem to understand) is that the design is flawed. And maybe you say: "That shouldn't matter, we're here to download stuff". We say: That might be true, but if you easily can find exactly the same general content at every other place why would you want to login to uk-2 where you risk temporary blindness every time. And only the name uk-t is sadly not enough to make a great tracker. We've seen the resurrections go down that way all to many times in the bittorrent world. We still hope for for the best but uk-two slides down from lvl 5 to lvl 4.
BTN has had some drama lately, Azza (founder of BTN) has been kicked out and he has probably stolen some donations too. No one really knows. Nonetheless BTN goes up from lvl 4 to lvl 5. Followed by DB9 (deepbase9) also from lvl 4 to lvl 5.

Most big porn trackers has usually been semi private trackers with huge user counts. That has probably also been their fall. After Cheggit left us late 2011 all addicts (many of them earlier refugees from Empornium and Pure TnA) scrambled to find new havens. Members spread to Deviloid, BMTorrents, Malacka and Empornium II. But there are also two porn trackers that had begun as private trackers and stayed that way and after the porn apocalypse has been getting more and more requests. One of them is Korean tracker Sinderella and the other one is fux0r. They both make their entry at lvl 3.
Bibliotik, is a tracker for e-books and audio books and is literally a tracker that is more than meet the eye. Bibliotik retired for some months and then came back. Invites are not that easy to get a hold on and the tracker joins trackerlevels as high up as lvl 5.
There has been much talk about two new music trackers. One of them is another lossless tracker called iFR. They have a small user base and some recruitment going on in tracker power user forums and alike. The other music tracker is eLK (Electrobits) but which although it's name is a general music tracker.

They started out hard fetched but has gone more and more generous when it comes to invites and the tracker has had open signups every now and then. Strangely enough eLK has been traded and offered vastly since they started out. iFR joins trackerlevels at lvl 4 and eLK joins us at lvl 2.
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Free Torrent invites for private trackers!
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